English Coaching Strategies

During live coaching sessions, we work in sync to gain insight into your current difficulties and strengthen target skills.

Live coaching with real-time feedback during live sessions will allow you to:

  • Fine-tune your delivery, style, and tone in both spoken and written communication
  • Perfect your overall presence from a social perspective
  • Refine the clarity of your message through further exploratory discussion and revision
  • Improve the accuracy of your grammar, mechanics, and sentence construction
  • Strengthen your usage of relevant vocabulary and expressions
  • Feel comfortable and confident connecting with others in any setting

The below strategies will enhance your abilities and build your confidence. Specific methods are recommended following assessment based on your individual needs, and implemented in a customized way to provide you with the most effective growth possible. Your tailored coaching plan evolve over time as you progress toward your goals.

two men laughing while looking at something on a laptop

Spoken Communication

“Communication – the human connection – is the key to personal and career success.”

Paul J. Meyer

Verbal communication practice builds your confidence and improves your fluency and the natural flow of your speech in a conversational setting. My coaching strategies build your intuitive understanding of critical skills and concepts so you can focus on expressing yourself without being hindered by word-finding difficulties, complicated grammar, or self-doubt.

During speaking practice, topics can vary widely, and are specifically tailored to be relevant and helpful to you. These topics are typically related to your professional and personal goals, daily routines, social situations, personal interests, hobbies, and more.

Discussions are supported by related material which you can review either during self study or with me during our coaching session.

Activities to master your spoken communication include:

  • Discussing topics of interest with immediate, real-time feedback
  • Delivering presentations on practical subject matter such as business meeting reports or other topics of interest
  • Summarizing, explaining, and/or reflecting on ideas, events, or media such as podcasts
  • Debating issues such as professional decisions or directions, or governmental/social problems
  • Presenting persuasive arguments to promote your perspectives and opinions
  • Practicing small talk in a variety of professional and personal contexts

Written Communication

professional woman writing on a laptop

“One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple.”

Jack Kerouac, The Dharma Bums

Clear and accurate written communication with the appropriate tone is imperative when communicating in both professional and personal contexts.

Through in-depth writing review and coaching, you will refine your use of written English, communicate your thoughts, and share your knowledge confidently and eloquently. Written communication will help you build practical skills that you can immediately apply in your work and relationships.

Strategies to perfect written communication include:

  • Reviewing examples texts from your professional or social communications to identify areas for improvement
  • Discussing nuances and incorporating changes to achieve your desired tone and style
  • Mastering technical skills for construction and organization through tailored exercises
  • Practicing a variety of writing styles with diverse objectives
neon speech bubble

Vocabulary and Grammar

“The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter. It’s the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning”

Mark Twain

Throughout our coaching sessions, we strengthen your use of key vocabulary, common phrases, expressions, and grammar. The goal is not only to improve comprehension, but to integrate this knowledge for use in your own communication.

As with communication practice, vocabulary and grammar improvement is supported by related material reviewed either during self study or with me during your coaching session. This material targets language that will be useful to you in your professional or personal life.

Helpful exercises to master vocabulary, phrases, expressions, and grammar include:

  • Explaining your own ideas and insights using target vocabulary, phrases, and expressions
  • Participating in engaging activities such as Q&A, with target skills modeled in real time
  • Reviewing a variety of language usage examples from diverse text, audio, and video sources
  • Practicing sentence construction using increasing complex vocabulary and organization

Pronunciation and Accent

University student raising hand

“The art of communication is the language of leadership.”

James Humes

During our coaching sessions, I provide immediate feedback on pronunciation and accent, along with targeted activities to strengthen the clarity of your speech. My tailored exercises will reinforce your second-nature recall and intuition.

Perfecting your accent and pronunciation can be achieved by:

  • Incorporating my detailed feedback to correct mispronunciation
  • Practicing words and word groups to eliminate errors in a generalized fashion
  • Shadowing a variety of relevant speech styles to master cadence and melody
  • Exercising muscle groups associated with challenging phonetic sounds
  • Training your “ear” by identifying target sounds, to intuitively and organically improve your speech

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